so! it has been a loooong time since my last post. like almost 2 years haha. so i decided to update ya'll about my life as a mature (and almost married) woman. it was really hard to take the missionary tag off after a year and a half and come back to speaking english every day. but i am happy to report that i have once again integrated into the north american culture. . . although sometimes i still make people uncomfortable by going for a hug and kiss at socially inappropriate times and circumstances. sorry if you are one of my victims. it's a lot harder to quit cold turkey than you might think.
i am currently living with my parents and siblings. it's good to spend time with them... it's definitely a full house. i live in a loft. it does the job nicely and not having doors or walls doesn't bother me much at all; except that it is nearly impossible to take naps, and in the morning people wake me up before my alarm (which is one of my biggest pet peeves). but happier napping prospects are on the horizon in 12 days! i have two jobs right now. i work at in n out again and i also work at state farm as a receptionist. i have two great jobs and i feel so blessed to have them. my totally dreamy fiance and i are going up to utah at the beginning of the year to go to school at byu! nathanael is officially a cougar which i am very proud of :) i just feel like issue after issue is just resolving itself and things are just falling into place. it's great. the lord truly blesses his children who serve him.
so after almost 3 years i am finally back with my bff! nathanael and i are catching up for lost time that's for sure. i have seen him every single day since i have been back and it's been great to pick up right where we left off :) i think it was the day after i got back that he was already helping me with things like clipping off dead skin off my toes. if that isn't true love i don't know what is! i can't even describe to you how excited i was to see him when i got off the plane. it was insane! it was so silly though because i got in at like 10:30 and i could only give him handshakes until i got released at 5:30. at first i had major separation anxiety (understandable, right?), but we have been having tons of fun just being together again. it's always the highlight of my day when i finally get to see him after work. we definitely wasted no time and got engaged 17 days after i got home. i am so happy. it's been a long time coming. he helps me stay sane with the wedding planning haha. the big day is november 24, 2012 so be there or be square! be prepared to dance lots. it's going to be the best day of my life, i know it.
welp, that's all for now folks! i hope to be better at this when i am officially a little wifey homemaker haha :) t minus 17,040 minutes. . .
1 comment:
This just makes me happy! I'm so excited for you to join the family! :) LOTS of fun to come!
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